Community Policy Research
The Community Policy Research (CPR) is a feature of the Economic Forecast Project that will address important topics relating to our greater community. With so much turmoil on many fronts, CPR is needed. The policy papers will offer economic insights and contribute to the policy discussion to improve our overall well-being.
Issue 4 - Hotel Tax
Issue 3 - Rent Control
Issue 2 - Rent Control
We must have strong minds, ready to accept facts as they are. —Harry Truman
Unfortunately, many of our political leaders today shy away from facing certain facts and rely on wishful thinking. One such fact is that rent controls have never succeeded in providing housing relief for those most in need. Never. And, more often than not, actually exacerbate the problem.
Issue 1 - Taxing Times
The current cannabis tax system does not fare well in terms of the attributes a tax system should contain. The recommendations from this report include removal of the cultivation tax and implementation of an ad valorem tax that would be more efficient and would limit tax evasion, enabling A more effective way to reach the goals of the tax system, such as raising tax revenue to pay for programs mandated by Proposition 64.