We have been publishing our “Economic Outlook” continuously since 1981. Since then we’ve added to our publications, including the “Community Indicators Project,” “Community Policy Reports,” and our economic impact studies. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve stopped publishing on paper (sorry Dunder Mifflin), and everything we publish is now available on our website.
The Economic Outlook
Our annual publication has gone digital and is now updated as the data are released. Access is restricted to our community sponsors and partners. Contact us to find out more.
Community Indicators
The Santa Barbara Community Indicators Project incorporates both North County and the South Coast in its measures and is designed to give an overall picture of our community’s health and well-being.
Economic impacts of cannabis across Santa Barbara County and the US. Information provided is solely to analyze the economic impact and does not represent the views of UCSB or any EFP team members.
Information about COVID-19 and its observed (and expected) effects on Santa Barbara County and some of our neighbors.
Commissioned Impact Studies
Ever wonder what the economic impact of the Santa Barbara Airport, Dallas Cowboys Training Camp in Oxnard, or a natural disaster is? Economic impact studies analyze the likely employment, output, and tax effects of an event, or an existing or potential entity.